Thursday 15 March 2012

When we travel in strange lands ......

Now I am in Europe, Quite settled.

This is a strange kind of feeling being very far from homeland , in a place which has so many cosmetics to offer(FYI I am out of India for first time).

Frankly , I am feeling like writing a exam on my journey,a test to my character,to my decisions ,thoughts and definitely to my core.

How often we face these kind of situations in our life ?

We are from a very different background , different upbringing , altogether from a very different culture,We have our lenses to see the world.(I am talking about INDIA).

Now I do not know their language or customs , So I no idea on how to communicate or break the ice.

And this is time for me to use two of my favourite weapons
a)smile :)

and it worked.

These are really very simple philosophy to apply.

If you can not communicate externally , Your character can communicate on behalf.

I personally think we may not win a fort after a great war but we can definitely win a heart by opening the gate for someone entering to the same fort.

Phenomena is quite clear , give respect have respect. (Work in whole world)

This is very true observation(based on my interaction with different people) that a lot of times many people travel to distant lands and places in search of their internal peace and true love.

Seriously can say it like east running to west(AKON) and west running to east(ISKON).

Literally have seen that now a days people in east leaving responsibilities and families(years old system) in the name of materialistic friends,freedom,networking,career etc and people in west leaving friends, networks and some times settled careers too in search of their inner peace.

(Mumbai)We want to party whole night to feel happy and independent and they want to leave partying to be happy(plus twenty five in Europe).[Just representational]

World citizens , we are either thinking of a sour past or planning for a near to perfect future ,but what about living the moment which is actually the only quantum in our hand.What about doing best with integrity in present.

I feel very general and basic happy gestures to our outer environment can turned out to be those curved reflections of our faces which we all keep on searching in the mirrors.

Really from the bottom of my heart love you all as best teachers of my life, Without you guys,I can not do any self realization or work on myself.

Be Merry :)