Sunday 23 September 2012

Life's learning via bone crunching

Hello Readers

Some days back I was talking to one of my closest friend from INDIA  and we came to discuss about a book written by Mrs Preeti Shenoy titled as 34 Bubble Gums and Candies.

This is an amazing book with lots of colors; Preeti has successfully managed to pen down number of small-small inspiring stories from her daily life. I like to call this as “popcorn writing” because first you can keep the small book along side your popcorns in your tiny bags and secondly if you can just forbid your mind from buying popcorns for four consecutive times, you shall have enough savings to buy these low cost books.

But I really liked the message that her book gives and it’s very true, our life is full of bubblegums and candies and all that we need sometimes or may be most of the times is just a steady halt, a pause, time to chew and enjoy the taste.

(Vinay Quote: Suddenly it reminded me of ParleG Pop-Ins , You must be knowing about it If you are a eighty's born kid. I still love this candy and throughout my childhood, I had fought with my not so elder sister(didi) to share my share.)

The childhood is the greatest and fearless period of our life and at the same time the most disastrous one for our parents. And before I say, you smart people should be able to  judge that mine was not an exception to this. 
I have my own version of Spiderman movies famous dialogue that very well describes my childhood.

Bro Spiderman says: “With great powers comes the great responsibilities”

My childhood says: - “With ultra adventures & too many powers, comes the ultimate fractured bones and displaced joints: P”

What I am going to share with you today is one of the most sweet story from my childhood, It explains in detail my first bone crunching adventure and just like all the good stories ends , mine too has something to learn from it. 
We used to and we still stay in cantonment area of Agra and there is a beautiful garden near to our home called as Company Garden .I believe it was named on the name of   British East India Company before India got her freedom.

At that time I was in class 2nd and my not so elder sister was in class 3rd and we used to pass daily via this garden to go to our school. We used to be a gang of 4-5 neighbouring toddlers and my sister was the leader of our gang. She was the one extra courageous 11 year old lady who used to plan for daily doze of our adventures and one classic way of doing that was to keep on changing the regular track to the school.

(Off course only once we were sure that our dad or any elder is not anymore secretly following us.)

That day we decided to follow a hiking track to go to the school which meant - first deviate from the regular path, go downwards on the hillside slope, walk for around 200 meters by the side of the pond, try to see some fishes and finally climb back to join back the regular path.

We all decided and did start to walk downside on the slope but lost in my own world,instead of following her advice to walk slowly; I opted to fly direct from the top to the end using one hanging branch of the banyan tree.

Expecting too much strength from those little pair of hands, result was as expected.A lethal crash in to the bushes, damaging the green beauty and hurting my soft booty.

Every one of us was shocked, we were not ready for this and I was crying hard of the pain.
But my sister was the braver one among us. She anyhow managed to take control of the situation.Amazingly at that age she knew that somehow I am hers responsibility.She managed to call some elders (class 5th) to help us and really it was a great display of the teamwork by all of them to get me out of there, totally fearless and with no pre concepts in the mind. (Think why I have written this line.) . Lately my dad came and situation was settled in a formal manner.

Now many years have passed since this incident, most of us are doctors, teachers or engineers and almost everyone settled peacefully in their respective life.
But to be honest, I strongly feel that those fearless adventures are the real foundation of whatever we have achieved today.

And this is what I want all of us to remember, understand and value. Internet, PlayStation, FaceBook all are good ways of entertainment but the real learning lies in doing and experiencing the outdoors.

Especially when we are with the kids, we need to ensure to let them drive the show. We need to give them the feeling that they are the decision makers and many times in their life they will require to be responsible for others also.

And see the magic shall happen. <3

Now, I have to give a call to my sister.Have to check what she is cooking today, yesterday I had given her some advice to cook a new style of Pav Bhaji and have to make sure my valuable advice is getting used in the right direction. :)

Bye Bye
Happy Living - Love You All

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