Tuesday 9 October 2012

Meeting the Foreigners(Part One)

Dear Readers

How many of us are fan of meeting new people or exploring the new places and how many of us still believes in the fairy tales having all good ends or finally how many of us are hundred percent sure about what we want to achieve in our life?

And after setting up the stage with this question, if you think that I am going to say very few then please. …Excuse me.

We are living in twentieth century, which is the classified era of glorious achievements by the means of human intelligence, and being very realistic and generous I firmly believe that each individual of our planet enriched by some deep thinking will answer affirmative to these questions.

Now think of a fourteen year old kid who has seldom been out of his small town in INDIA and is growing up with lot of dreams in his eyes to explore the world.

One fine day he meets some foreigners in his city and decides to have a general chitchat with them. These foreigners tell him about their country called as Slovenia, which is around 6393.50 KM from his small town. They also tell him about the heights of Alps  and about many beautiful rivers and lakes that their county caters.

This kid, fascinated by these stories decides in his mind that one day he is going to explore that country at his own. He is from an average middle class INDIAN family with all traditional values but his dreams and thoughts are bigger then of his age and he has a friendly mind that continuously compels him to plan and cross any sort of physical or logical boundaries to achieve what he wants.

This is the story of this Kid but isn’t the same for every one of us?

I mean inside we all know what we want from life, what is going to make us happy or what we need to choose to ensure our happiness.

But sometimes when the time of action comes, we get feared of fulfilling our dreams; we just allow our futile minds to put so many obstacles in front of our own pathway to happiness.

I am not saying this because I am a guru or something but this is out of experiences of an observer, first to my own approach to life and then sometimes to the life of my limited near and dear ones.

Classic example:
I know if I am going to learn this dance form I am going to enjoy it.
What people are going to say?
Fish Man , who are these people, actual people or a subtle creation of our mind to manifest our own fears?

Well, I am sure I have shared my idea clearly and I believe by now you all must have understood which kid I am talking about.This is something I had though of doing around 14 years back and I am somehow very happy that soon I shall be roaming in Alps.

You guys go with you dreams, I am happy to live and fulfil mine and this is one definite thing which makes me happy.

Ok have to do some packing now J

   Happy Living.
Vinnonio(My Polish Nick Name)

1 comment:

  1. nicely expressed...
    Congratulation for fulfilling one of your dream..:)

    I also think some times what beautiful world would have been if every one here are fearless and desire less..



Thanks for your comment as a writer I feel encouraged :)